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How to Protect Your Packages from Porch Pirates | Home Security Systems in Houston TX | Lightspeed Security
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How to Protect Your Packages from Porch Pirates

June 3, 2019

Porch pirates have become quite the nuisance as more and more people purchase goods from the web.  However, you are not powerless against porch pirates.  Prepare accordingly and you will be able to safeguard your deliveries or nab those porch pirates on tape.  Here is exactly how to do it.

Invest in a Home Security System

A home security system complete with cameras will help catch porch pirates in the act.  Have a camera added to your front porch and porch pirates will think twice about grabbing your packages and running.  Even if they do, their faces will be captured on your home security system footage.  The police can use this footage to catch the porch pirates.

Add a Lock Box to Your Front Porch

Have a lock box added to your property, give the code to the delivery driver and you won’t have to worry about porch pirates running away with your stuff.  Just make sure each of the delivery company drivers has your lock box code.  Otherwise, you run the risk of them tossing the package on your porch and leaving it susceptible to thieves.  If you are hesitant to add a lock box to your property due to concerns about aesthetics, consider the fact that boxes of varying styles and sizes are available.  The only caveat is that the box you settle on should be large enough to accommodate the biggest packages you anticipate being delivered to your home.

Add a Reinforced Porch Pirate Bag

A reinforced porch pirate bag will safeguard your deliveries.  The delivery man will place the package in the open bag, seal it, lock it and make sure it is tethered to your door handle.

Give Package Guard a Try

Package Guard is a high-tech means of safeguarding deliveries.  It makes use of a wireless sensor station for package drop-offs.  The delivery person drops off packages weighing upwards of 100 pounds.  There is no limit on the total number of boxes.  The boxes are placed on the Package Guard.  The sensor is then set.  The customer is alerted when one or several deliveries are made.  If the package is subsequently picked up by an individual who is not authorized to deactivate the sensor, an alarm sounds and an urgent message is sent to the customer.

Use a Secure Method for Delivery

Some package delivery groups like the United States Postal Service offer methods for secure package delivery.  As an example, a signature service mandates the recipient’s signature upon delivery.  Furthermore, the United States Postal Inspection Service recommends starting a neighborhood watch group to keep an eye on one another’s homes including package deliveries.

Make It Known Your Property is Protected

Add a decal or sticker of your home security company’s logo or name to your front door and other doors/windows.  This decal should be prominently featured so potential thieves know they will be recorded and tracked until caught.  Such a prominently displayed sticker just might prove enough to convince the porch pirate to move on to another home.

Reach out to Us Today

We can help protect your packages from porch pirates.  Reach out to us to learn more about our home security services and schedule an installation.

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