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Kingwood Residents Benefit From Purchasing Residential Security Systems For Their Homes | Home Security Systems in Houston TX | Lightspeed Security
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Kingwood Residents Benefit From Purchasing Residential Security Systems For Their Homes

June 3, 2019

Purchasing a residential security system seems to many like an unnecessary and expensive purchase. Especially if you perceive your neighborhood as safe, who wants to rig their home up to look like Fort Knox?

However, viewing a home security system as an investment in the protection of your loved ones and insurance against theft or damage to your property is perhaps a wiser way to think about it. Burglaries, break-ins, and thefts happen in so-called “safe” neighborhoods as well. In fact, higher income neighborhoods are targets for thieves precisely because the homes are more likely to contain more valuable items.

What are the benefits of purchasing a home security system?

Investing in a residential security system doesn’t have to break the bank either. Often, a basic alarm and camera system can be installed very affordably. Also, the cameras can be mounted discreetly so that the aesthetics of a house aren’t compromised. Modern security systems allow remote access to your home. Systems are now paired with well-built smartphone apps that allow you to view camera feeds and receive alerts about activated alarms. In addition, many can be paired with so-called “smart home” controls that allow you to adjust the thermostat, lights, door locks, and many other devices. The savings gained by being able to remotely regulate electricity consumption and thermostat settings can help offset the initial cost of a home security system.

Viewing the purchase of a residential security system as an investment is smart, because having one installed lowers homeowner’s insurance premiums by an average of 20 percent. That means that over time the system will pay for itself. Another benefit of having a camera system installed that can be viewed remotely is the ability to supervise adolescents if they are left home alone. The peace of mind gained by ensuring their safety is priceless.

Don’t hesitate to learn about home security system options for your family. If just one incident is prevented by the presence of this incredible and affordable technology, the cost is more than worth it.

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